The stage was was set in a hotel ballroom with an audience that included the top 200 hundred Danaher and operating company executives. The room went dark and one by one each speaker stood up, was spotlighted, and told their short story (with supporting photography and music)

Danaher Leadership Conference - Making the World a Better Place Storytelling

A big part of leadership is motivating and inspiring teams to set and reach goals.

Personal stories can inspire. They can provide context about how your company, people, and products make the world a better place.  They can bring together and inspire a team to adapt to a changing landscape.

Scientific rigor, high-tech equipment and technical expertise.  Process, planning, performance and analysis – these are at the heart of this Fortune 200 science and technology company.  

The new CEO had the vision of using personal storytelling at the annual Leadership Conference.  He wanted to highlight, in a more personal way, the extraordinary things the people of the company are doing for industry, each other and the world. 

Working with a small writing and A/V team we produced a series of stories. The project consisted of:

1.       Discovering eight personal stories that are emblematic of companies values, leadership anchors and culture. 

2.       Conducting in-depth interviews with primary sources, around the world, and writing short 3rd person stories to be told aloud, by senior leaders at the conference with accompanying visuals.

A story about Leica’s Microsystem’s Super Resolution microscopes breakthroughs

3.       Supporting the live storytelling production onsite.  Coordinating with the tellers and A/V team on cues, lighting, music, sound, and presentation slides.    

The result was a series of eight, two-minute, stories told at the Leadership Conference and the Global Sales Meeting. Please e-mail me for more information on this session.

Feedback from the conference attendees was overwhelmingly positive.
— Danaher V.P. of Corporate Communications